Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Earth is Hollow

I know I said the Earth was flat. I was so sure that it was. But it's come to my attention that the flat Earth theory just doesn't hold water. What does hold water is that the Earth is hollow. After I watched this video about the hollow Earth (it’s about 24 minutes long, but they will change your life if you’re not close minded), I was sold.

The folks at (run by the ISCE) have dotted all their I’s and crossed their T’s. Now I could just leave it at that because really my case is settled I think. But it turns out I am pissed at two groups of people.

First there’s the goddamn flat earthers and their retarded theories, misleading ten maybe twenty people. But the people who really get my goat are the scientists who are preaching that the Earth isn’t hollow. Almost everyone believes those guys, and why? It’s not like they’ve dug a hole all the way through to prove their crackpot theories. In fact they farthest they’ve gotten is 7.6 miles. That’s it! That’s about 1% of the way through the Earth. That’s all they’ve done. Everything else they claim is based on gravity theory or seismic information.

The gravity claim is that if the Earth were hollow, people on the inside would be practically weightless. I’m not sure how this proves that it’s not, it just means that underdwellers can fly and have super strength! So basically that’s awesome.

The seismic information claims that vibrations from earthquakes passing through the planet are observable and can be used to map the structure of the inside of the Earth. They claim that if the Earth was hollow the data they have would be different. My personal opinion is that geologists have some sort of vested interest in covering up the hollow Earth so they just nurse any data they find to confirm their beliefs and deny the truth. We call this behavior “confirmation bias” and it’s very prevalent in science, almost to the point of making science worthless, except when they actually discover something (which hardly ever happens).

What makes the whole situation just the worst is that the ISCE is working so hard to prove their ideas and scientists aren’t helping out at all. I am certain that scientists are poised to take all the credit for any discoveries the ISCE make. You have to wonder why these days scientists are the only ones who make scientific discoveries.

My worry is that the underdwellers are malevolent and technologically superior but vastly morally inferior. I am betting that the underdwellers are planning an outright assault on us either for bloodthirsty conquest or to steal all of our natural resources and sunlight. I am positive scientists know about their plans but in return for their silence they hope to be well rewarded in the New World Order.

I’m making it my goal to be a part of Operation Polaris. I don’t have any useful skills but I’m sure I can contribute something. Given the chance I might be able to infiltrate the underdweller society and cause it to collapse from the inside thus saving everyone. I doubt anyone will ever recognize my heroics, but unlike most people I don’t do things for recognition.

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