For most of my life I have been under the delusion that the Earth is sphere, that’s what every so called reliable source claims. But recently I’ve become involved with the Flat Earth Society and I have learned the truth, the Earth is indeed flat contrary to common knowledge.
For of years a minority group of heretics have tried to convince the masses that the Earth is a sphere despite ancient wisdom that clearly proves that the Earth is flat. In previous eras heretics were executed for questioning established wisdom, but somehow they’ve made headway in recent centuries and have gained control of education institutions and warped the minds of learned men. Through a carefully orchestrated onslaught on the masses they have succeeded in convincing most that the Earth is a sphere. However the evidence compiled by organizations, like the Flat Earth Society, clearly disagrees.
As you can see Flat Earth Literature and Resources are comprehensive and should be able to address any questions or doubts a skeptic may have. There are books and movies and experiments dedicated to the subject of a flat Earth. It’s all the stuff one needs to prove a point. What does science have to answer with? Dogma, and the staunch refusal to acknowledge facts that they did not invent. It’s quite sad in my opinion.
To my mind this issue is just another example of science resisting progress and holding humanity back from its true potential. I just have one question to ask all the sphere Earth believing scientists, “would it be the end of the world if the Earth was flat?” I think it’s fair to say the answer is no. So why not at least be open to the possibility of a flat Earth without dismissing it outright with mindless prejudice.
Of course I very much doubt that self-important scientists will heed my call for reason because I don’t have any PhD’s to make me important enough to listen to. It’s just so disheartening that science is consistently slow to embrace new ideas and forward thinking, especially when thoughts come outside the science clique.
I expect the vitriolic attacks on flat Earthers will continue unabated. If you browse the official Flat Earth Society forums I’m sure you’ll see what I mean. Is this the best response the learned elite can offer? Names and ridicule? Maybe if science and scientists actually concerned themselves with learning then they might actually prove one of their crackpot claims someday.
I know some who read this will not be able to free their minds enough to accept that they’ve been lied to. I urge you not to be so close minded, the sooner that you accept this truth, the sooner other truths will be apparent to you. Be a free thinker, have an open mind. The Earth is clearly flat, denying it won’t change reality.